Don't fear the integral!
Actuaries denote with \({}_tp_x\) the probability that a life alive aged exactly \(x\) years will survive a further \(t\) years or more. The most basic result in survival analysis is the following relationship with the instantaneous mortality hazard, \(\mu_x\):
\[{}_tp_x = e^{-H_x(t)}\qquad(1)\]
where \(H_x(t)\) is the integrated hazard:
\[H_x(t) = \int_0^t\mu_{x+s}ds\qquad(2).\]
It is at this point that cortisol levels spike for some people, often because it is a long time since they last saw an integral. In the case of actuaries, this can lead them to seek safety in the comfort of standard tables based on \(q_x\). However, even if you have forgotten everything you ever knew about integration, equation (2) poses no hurdle for mortality work. The reason is that \(H_x(t)\) is just a function, and Richards (2008, Table 5) has a list of explicit formulae for the seven most common mortality models used by actuaries. For example, assume that you want to integrate the Gompertz mortality hazard \(\mu_x=\exp(\alpha+\beta x)\). Table 5 of Richards (2008) has this formula to use:
\[H_x(t) = \frac{(e^{\beta t}-1)}{\beta}e^{\alpha+\beta x}\qquad(3).\]
Thus, the integrated hazard between age 60 and 80 with \(\alpha=-12\) and \(\beta=0.12\) is 0.6874017. No integration is required because it has already been done. For the more adventurous, Richards (2012, Table 2) lists formulae for \(H_x(t)\) for a further ten models.
But what if you have an unusual mortality model that isn't listed? Then \(H_x(t)\) can be approximated numerically using R's \(\tt integrate\) function. The following snippet of R code illustrates this using the same Gompertz model as an example:
dAlpha = -12.0
dBeta = 0.12
GompertzHazard = function(x)
integrate(GompertzHazard, 60, 80)
If you paste the above into an R console you will see output like this:
0.6874017 with absolute error < 7.6e-15
which is the same result using the closed-form expression in equation (3). Use \(\tt help(integrate)\) within your R console to find out how to fine-tune your control over this function. And if your IT department won't let you use R, then there are some surprisingly accurate approximations available for integration; see also Appendix D of Macdonald et al (2018).
So, with explicit formulae freely available for most mortality models - and accurate approximations for all others - you can use survival models without ever having to work out a single integral yourself. Unless you really want to, that is.
Macdonald, A. S., Richards, S. J. and Currie, I. D. (2018) Modelling Mortality with Actuarial Applications, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-1-107-04541, doi 10.1017/9781107051386.
Richards, S. J. (2008) Applying survival models to pensioner mortality data, British Actuarial Journal, 14(2), pages 257-303, doi 10.1017/S1357321700001720.
Richards, S. J. (2012). A handbook of parametric survival models for actuarial use, Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2012(4), pages 233–257, doi 10.1080/03461238.2010.506688.
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