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Stephen Richards

Managing Director

Articles written by Stephen Richards


The late Iain Currie was a long-time advocate of smoothing certain parameters in mortality models.  In an earlier blog he showed how smoothing parameters in the Lee-Carter model could improve the quality of the forecast.  As Iain himself wrote, "this idea is not new" and traced its origins to Delwarde, Denuit & Eilers (2007).

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: P-splines

Impossible Things

Impossibility has often featured in humourous fiction.  From Lewis Carroll's White Queen, who "believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast", to Douglas Adams' Restaurant at the End of the Universe, there is entertainment value in absurdity.

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: competing risks

Events, dear boy, events!

When asked what was most likely to blow a government off-course, Harold Macmillan allegedly replied "Events, dear boy, events!".  Macmillan may not have actually uttered these words (Knowles, 2006, pages 33-34), but there's no denying that unexpected events can derail your plans.  I was recently faced with some unexpected events, albeit in a rather different context.

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: survival analysis, Filter information matrix by tag: censoring, Filter information matrix by tag: home reversion plans

Doing our homework

In Richards et al (2013) we described how actuaries can create mortality tables derived from a portfolio's own experience, rather than relying on tables published elsewhere.  There are good reasons why actuaries need to be able to do this, and we came across a stark reminder of this while writing Richards & Macdonald (2024).

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: survival curve, Filter information matrix by tag: Kaplan-Meier, Filter information matrix by tag: home reversion plans

All change!

I have blogged previously about the risks in reinventing software that has already been built.  As usual, I declare my complete and utter lack of independence in the opening paragraph - I run a business providing software services to actuaries.  And while this blog might be self-interested(!), that doesn't make the point here any less true.

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: software, Filter information matrix by tag: robustness

Software projects - the sting in the tail

In an earlier blog I looked at the arguments in favour of buying in specialist software, rather than trying to build it yourself.  Of course, as someone whose business is providing software services for mortality and longevity work, I am somewhat partisan.  To balance things out, I wrote a follow-up blog on when it makes sense - even for us - to source external sof

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: software

Real-time decision making

In a previous blog I looked at how continuous-time methods can provide real-time management information.  In that example we tracked the (almost daily) development of the mortality of two tranches of new annuities, as shown again in Figure 1.

Figure 1.  Cumulative hazard, \(\hat\Lambda(t)\), for new annuities written by French insurer.  Source: Richards and Macdonald (2024).

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: Nelson-Aalen, Filter information matrix by tag: confidence intervals, Filter information matrix by tag: deduplication

Real-time management information

The sooner you know about a problem, the sooner you can do something about it.  I have written before about real-time updates to mortality estimates during shocks.  However, real-time methods also have application to everyday management questions.  Consider Figure 1(a), which shows a surge in new annuities in December 2014.  The volume of new annuities written in that month was large enough to shift the average age of the in-force annuit

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: Nelson-Aalen, Filter information matrix by tag: annuities

The actuarial data onion

Actuaries tasked with analysing a portfolio's mortality experience face a gap between what has happened in the outside world and the data they actually work with.  The various difference levels are depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1.  The actuarial data onion.

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: OBNR, Filter information matrix by tag: deduplication, Filter information matrix by tag: geodemographics, Filter information matrix by tag: survival analysis

Mortality forecasting in a post-COVID world

Last week I presented at the Longevity 18 conference.  My topic was on robustifying stochastic mortality models when the calibrating data contain outliers, such as caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.  A copy of the presentation can be downloaded here, which is based on a paper to be presented at an IFoA sessional meeting in N

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality projections, Filter information matrix by tag: coronavirus, Filter information matrix by tag: outliers