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Posts feedWind-up and buy-out - the cheaper option?
The words "cheap" or "cheaper" are not normally seen in the same sentence as pension scheme wind-up or buy-out. However, my challenge is whether it is not indeed the cheaper option after taking into account the capitalised costs of running a pension scheme for another 10 or 20 years.
A second pension-scheme revolution
In his book Unseen Revolution, Peter Drucker drew attention to the structural changes in economic ownership which were silently ushered in with the growth of corporate pension schemes.
The ins and outs of bulk annuities
The UK has a well developed and highly competitive market in bulk annuities. These typically arise when a defined-benefit pension scheme wants to insure its liabilities.
Partial buy-outs
It is quite common for a pension scheme to want to reduce its risk, but to be unable to afford a full buy-out. The question is how best to reduce risk with the funds available, i.e. which liabilities to buy out first.