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The interrupted observation

A common approach to teaching students about mortality is to view survival as a Bernoulli trial over one year. This view proposes that, if a life alive now is aged \(x\), whether the life dies in the coming year is a Bernoulli trial with the probability of death equal to \(q_x\).  With enough observations, one can estimate \(\hat q_x\), which is the basis of the life tables historically used by actuaries.

Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: survival models, Filter information matrix by tag: right-censoring

A Type I flower by any other name

I must have been one of many students who chose maths over medicine, because I have a terrible memory, and medics have to memorize books by the kilogram. In maths, if you understand how to do something, there is nothing to remember.  Right?

Up to a point.  Here are three mathematical relations where the order or direction matters, that I can never remember, no matter how often I have encountered them.

Written by: Angus MacdonaldTags: Filter information matrix by tag: right-censoring

See You Later, Indicator

A recurring feature in my previous blogs, such as this one on information, is the indicator process:

\[Y^*(x)=\begin{cases}1\quad\mbox{ if a person is alive at age \(x^-\)}\\0\quad\mbox{ otherwise}\end{cases}\]

where \(x^-\) means immediately before age \(x\) (never mind the asterisk for now). When something keeps cropping up in any branch of mathematics or statistics, there are usually good reasons, and this is no exception. Here are some:

Written by: Angus MacdonaldTags: Filter information matrix by tag: left-truncation, Filter information matrix by tag: right-censoring, Filter information matrix by tag: Poisson distribution

Right-Censoring Rules!

A fundamental assumption underlying most modern presentations of mortality modelling (see our new book) is that the future lifetime of a person now age \(x\) can be represented as a non-negative random variable \(T_x\). The actuary's standard functions can then be defined in terms of the distribution of \(T_x\), for example:

\[{}_tp_x = \Pr[ T_x > t ].\]

Written by: Angus MacdonaldTags: Filter information matrix by tag: survival analysis, Filter information matrix by tag: right-censoring, Filter information matrix by tag: counting process