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Deadly parallels

Ever since the unhappy arrival of the SARS-COV-2 virus, COVID-19 and influenza have been compared for a multiplicity of reasons.
Written by: Gavin RitchieTags: Filter information matrix by tag: coronavirus, Filter information matrix by tag: influenza, Filter information matrix by tag: pandemic

A pandemic retrospective

The former UK prime minister Harold Wilson famously said that "a week is along time in politics". One wonders what he would have made of the coronavirus pandemic.
Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: coronavirus, Filter information matrix by tag: influenza

Orders of magnitude

At the beginning of April, the MHRA published an analysis of vaccine safety reports in the UK and concluded that despite now finding increased evidence of rare blood clots following administration of AZD1222 from AstraZeneca (consistent with previous reports from Europe) the benefits of vaccination still outweigh the risks.
Written by: Gavin RitchieTags: Filter information matrix by tag: coronavirus, Filter information matrix by tag: vaccination

An abundance of clots?

As David Spiegelhalter (2021) points out, blood clots happen all the time: "at least 100 every week" in a population of 5 million.
Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: coronavirus, Filter information matrix by tag: vaccination

Allowing for reporting delays

In a previous blog I outlined my six-month rule of thumb for discarding mortality experience affected by reporting delays. However, this can be awkward where there is a hard limit on how far back the experience data goes. For example, when a pension scheme switches administrator, or an insurer migrates business from one system to another, past mortality data is usually the first casualty.

Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: OBNR

'E' is for evidence

Our battle with COVID-19 has raised many questions around the evidence base for proposed public health interventions.
Written by: Gavin RitchieTags: Filter information matrix by tag: coronavirus, Filter information matrix by tag: public health, Filter information matrix by tag: Scotland, Filter information matrix by tag: Vitamin D

A Model for Reporting Delays

In his recent blog Stephen described some empirical evidence in support of his practice of discarding the most recent six months' data, to reduce the effect of delays in reporting deaths. This blog demonstrates that the practice can also be justified theoretically in the survival modelling framework, although the choice of six months as the cut-off remains an empirical matter.

Written by: Angus MacdonaldTags: Filter information matrix by tag: survival models, Filter information matrix by tag: censoring

Reporting delays

When performing a mortality analysis, it is my practice to disregard the most recent six months or so of experience data. The reason is delays in the reporting and recording of deaths, i.e. occurred-but-not-reported (OBNR) to use the terminology of Lawless (1994). We use the term OBNR, rather than the more familiar term IBNR (incurred-but-not-reported); IBNR is associated with "cost-orientated" delay distributions of insurance claims (Jewell, 1989), whereas we are focused on just the delay itself.

Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: OBNR, Filter information matrix by tag: IBNR, Filter information matrix by tag: right-truncation, Filter information matrix by tag: interval censoring

Visualising data-quality in time

In a recent blog I defined the Nelson-Aalen estimate with respect to calendar time, rather than with respect to age as is usual.
Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: data validation, Filter information matrix by tag: missing data, Filter information matrix by tag: Nelson-Aalen

Visualising covid-19 in experience data

As 2020 edges to a close, life-office actuaries need to set mortality bases for year-end valuations. An obvious question is what impact the covid-19 pandemic has had on the mortality experience of their portfolio? One problem is that traditional actuarial analysis was often done on the basis of annual rates, whereas the initial covid-19 shock was delivered over a period of a couple of months in early 2020 in Europe.

Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality shocks, Filter information matrix by tag: coronavirus